Course Pattern




Syllabus for candidates admitted from 2018 – 2019

Course Name: B.Sc Physics

Eligibility: Science Students with mathematics at the higher secondary level.

S.No. Paper Code Course Title Credits Hour Continuous Internal Assessment (CIS) End Semester Exam (ESE) Total
1 ULTA11 Part I – Tamil 3 6 25 75 100
2 ULEN11 Part II- English 3 6 25 75 100
3 UPHT11 Core I Properties of Matter 4 5 25 75 100
4 UPHT12 Core II Thermal Physics 4 5 25 75 100
5 UPHA11 Allied Mathematics I 4 5 25 75 100
6 UVAE11 Value education 3 3 25 75 100
    Total 21 30     600
7 ULTA22 Part I Tamil 3 6 25 75 100
8 ULEN22 Part II English 3 6 25 75 100
9 UPHT21 Core III Electricity and Electromagnetism 4 6 25 75 100
10 UPHP21 Core Practical I 4 5 25 75 100
11 UPHA22 Allied Mathematics II 4 5 25 75 100
12 UEVS21 Environmental Studies 2 2 25 75 100
    Total 20 30     600
13 ULTA33 Part I Tamil 3 6 25 75 100
14 ULEN33 Part II English 3 6 25 75 100
15 UPHT31 Core IV Mathematical Physics 4 5 25 75 100
16 UPHA33 Allied chemistry paper 4 5 25 75 100
17 UPHE31 Elective paper I Fiber optics 3 4 25 75 100
18 UPHS31 SBE I 2 2 25 75 100
19 UPHN31 ONME I 2 2 25 75 100
    Total 21 30     700
20 ULTA44 Part I Tamil 3 6 25 75 100
21 ULEN44 Part II English 3 6 25 75 100
22 UPHT41 Core V Solid State Physics 4 4 25 75 100
23 UPHP42 Core Practical II 4 4 25 75 100
24 UPHA41 Allied Practical 4 4 25 75 100
25 UPHE42 Elective-II-Solar thermal and renewable energy systems 3 3 25 75 100
26 UPHS42 Skill based Elective courses II 2 2      
27 UPHN42 ONME II 2 2 25 75 100
    Total 25 30     800
28 UPHT51 Core VI Electronics I 4 5 25 75 100
29 UPHT52 Core VII Classical Mechanics 4 5 25 75 100
30 UPHT53 Core VIII Quantum Physics 4 5 25 75 100
31 UPHT54 Core IX-Laser Physics 4 5 25 75 100
32 UPHT55 Core X Optics and Spectroscopy 4 5 25 75 100
33 UPHE53 Elective-III-Medical Physics 3 3 25 75 100
34 UPHS53 SBE III 2 2 25 75 100
    Total 25 30     700
35 UPHT61 Core XI Digital Electronics 4 5 25 75 100
36 UPHT62 Core XII Nuclear Physics 4 5 25 75 100
37 UPHT63 Core XIII Atomic Physics 4 5 25 75 100
38 UPHP63 Core Practical III (Non Electronics) 4 5 25 75 100
39 UPHP64 Core Practical IV (Electronics) 4 5 25 75 100
40 UPHE64 Elective IV Astrophysics 3 3 25 75 100
41 UPHS64 SBE IV 2 2 25 75 100
42 UEAS61 Extension Activity - 2 25 75 100
    Total 28 30     800
  Total Credits 140 4200



THEORY: Test: 20 Marks

(Three theory tests should be conducted and average of best two should be taken into account)

Seminar – Assignment – Attendance – 5 Marks

Total: 25 Marks

Practical: Test – 10 Marks

(Three Practical tests should be conducted and average of best two should be taken in to account)

Observation Notebook: 10 Marks

Attendance and Performance in the laboratory – 5 Marks

Total – 25 Marks


Theory Question Pattern

Section – A

(Answer any ten out of 16 questions (open choice) each questions carries two marks)

(10X2 = 20 marks)

Section – B

(Answer any 5 out of 8 questions, each questions carries five marks)

(5X5 =25 marks) (open choice)

Section – C

(Answer all the three questions, each questions carries ten marks)

(3X10 =30) either (a) or (b) type questions)

External Practical – 75

Theory - 25+75

Practical - 25+75


ELIGIBLITY: B.Sc. Physics, Applied Physics, with Mathematics as allied subject at the UG level

MEDIUM: English

SL. No. Subject Code Subject Hrs/ Week Total Credits Int Ext Total
First Semester
1 PPHT11 Mathematical Physics I 6 5 25 75 100
2 PPHT12 Classical Mechanics 6 5 25 75 100
3 PPHT13 Applied Electronics 6 5 25 75 100
4 PPHP11 Electronics Practical I 6 5 25 75 100
5 PPHE11 Astrophysics/Numerical methods 6 5 25 75 100
30 25     500
Second Semester
6 PPHT21
Mathematical Physics II
6 5 25 75 100
7 PPHT22 Quantum Mechanics I 6 5 25 75 100
8 PPHT23 Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics 6 5 25 75 100
9 PPHP22 General Practical II 6 5 25 75 100
10 PPHE22 MaterialsCharacterization/Microprocessor 6 5 25 75 100
30 25     500
Third Semester
11 PPHT31
Electromagnetic Theory
6 5 25 75 100
12 PPHT32
Quantum Mechanics II
6 5 25 75 100
13 PPHT33
Solid State Physics
6 5 25 75 100
14 PPHP33
Practical III
6 5 25 75 100
15 PPHE33
Materials Science/Solar Cells
6 5 25 75 100
30 25     500
Fourth Semester
16 PPHT41
6 5 25 75 100
17 PPHT42
Nuclear and Particle Physics
6 5 25 75 100
18 PPHP44
Project & viva-voce
18 5 25 75 100
30 15     300
Grand Total
120 90     1800