Research Committee

The college has formed a research committee to monitor and encourage various activities related to research development and receiving funds from other agencies and help the faculty members to prepare the research proposal in their expert research domain.

  • Principal is the chairman of the research committee to monitor the overall activities of research.


The following eight disciplines have been approved as “Center for Research” under Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal.

  1. Department of Computer Science
  2. Department of Mathematics

The research proposals are prepared and submitted to the respective department coordinators and are reviewed by the committee before submitting to the funding agency. The committee then reviews and monitors the progress and status of the ongoing research work by the faculty members frequently.


Dr. (Mrs.) C. Ladha Pooranam, Principal
Dr. M. Dhanalakshmi , Assistant professor & Head, Department of Chemistry
Dr. S. Siyamaladevi, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Commerce
Dr. (Ms).S. Krishnaveni, Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Computer Science
Dr. (Mrs.) J. Nalatham, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Economics
Mrs. G. S. Angelin, Associate Professor & Head, Department of English
Dr. (Mrs.) J. Thenmozhi, Associate Professor & Head, Department Geography
Mrs. L. Bencila, Assistant Professor & Head, Department of History
Dr. T. Ramachandran, Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Mathematics
Dr. (Mrs.) K. Nagananthini, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Tamil
Dr. (Mrs.) S. Sivasankari, Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Plant Bio-Technology
Dr. (Mrs.) R. Rajammal, Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Physics
Ms. P. Nirmala, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Statistics
Dr. (Mrs.) P. Sathiya Bama, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Zoology
Dr. K. Ramasamy, College Librarian


Recommendations of Research Committee
  1. Research and development facilities in all the departments.
  2. Upgrading is needed in National / International Research publications with peer reviewed journals.
  3. Promote extensive consultancy activities.
  4. Signing MOU with leading institutions and industries in Country wide and global.
  5. Motivating Faculty and students to take part in IPR activities.


Impact of Research Committee Recommendations
  • Our organization has received neary 10 lakhs grant from the different funding agencies state and national level.
  • 300 research papers have been presented in conferences and 200 research papers were published by the faculty in reputed journals.
  • 12 Faculty members have been recognized as research supervisors by the Mother Teresa Women’s University.
  • 50 scholars have completed their Ph.D degree under the guidance of our institute supervisors.
  • 20 research scholars are pursuing their research leading to Ph.D. which includes external scholars also.
  • Faculty members’ interaction with outside world as chair person, keynote speaker, special invitees and delegates for seminars / workshop / conferences at national and international level.
  • 5 MOUs are signed with leading national/international institutions and industries.