Course Objectives



S.No Course Objectives
1 Invertebrate I
  • To study  the  various  forms of invertebrate animal present on earth.
  • To learn about general characteristics of invertebrates.
  • To discuss their classification, structural and functional aspects of invertebrates.
2 Invertebrate II
  • To understand the systemic and morphological features of invertebrate animals.
  • Students can identify the relative importance of invertebrates.
  • Student can acquire knowledge regarding the economic values  and affinities of invertebrates.


S.No Course Objectives
1 Chordate
  • Make the students to enlighten the concepts of diversity, adaptations, organization and taxonomic status of chordates.
  • To understand systemic   physiology of chordate.
  • To discuss the affinities and adaptations of chordates to different modes of life.
2 Invertebrate and Chordate-Practical
  • Enable to acquire the practical   knowledge of mounting.
  • Learn  practically   for slide preparation and spotter  identification .


S.No Course Objectives
1 Anatomy
  • To explain the level of structural organization in the body.
  • To understand the structure of various internal organs in the body.
  • The students will understand about  health  diseases  and its etiology .
2 Biophysics
  • To learn the biophysical techniques for the study of structural biology.
  • To understand the basic principles and applications of thermodynamic laws for biological system.
3 Entomology
  • Students will understand the classification of insects.
  • To learn methods to identify different insects.
  • Students will understand the beneficial and harmful aspects of insects and their control measures.
4 Sericulture
  • To know about various techniques and processes in silk worm culture and silk production
5 Economic Zoology
  • Students will understand the economical importance of various invertebrates and vertebrates.
  • To gain knowledge in the field of animal culture and its product marketing.
  • To learn the process of honey bee culture, silk  production and fish culture.


S.No Course Objectives
1 Microbiology
  • To understand various micro organisms , their beneficial and harmful effects.
  • To learn microbial culture and their isolating mechanism.
  • The students can gain the skill of microbial culture and application of this knowledge to well being of human health and environmental health.
2 Medical Laboratory Technology
  • To learn about various medical diagnostic methods used for analysis of  body fields.
  • Knowledge is gained in measuring the various biological parameters.
3 Animal behavior and chronobiology
  • To understand the natural behaviour of various animals.
  • Students will understand the insect reproduction and host plant protection, leading to the discovery of non toxic pheromones for insect pest control.
4 Sericulture, Microbiology & Clinical Biology – Practical
  • Students are oriented in the practical knowledge  and hands on training in the  clinical biology  and microbiology courses.
5 Apiculture
  • To study various methods and processes in honey bee rearing and honey production.
6 Vermiculture
  • To learn the various methods of Vermi composting and Vermiwash .
  • Students can obtain skills for the production of organic manure for sustainable agriculture.


S.No Course Objectives
1 Immunology
  • Student will learn the immunisation schedule .
  • To learn about  the  function of the immune system.
  • To  study  the structure and functions of immunoglobulin.
  • To provide knowledge about auto immune diseases.
2 Developmental biology
  • To know various stages involved in the embryonic development.
  • To learn the process and  recent advancements of Reproductive biology.
  • Students learn the embryo formation and development.
  • To study the process of fertilization and the development of various organs.
3 Animal physiology
  • To study the structure and functions of various organs in our body.
  • To learn about the digestive circulatory and other systems.
  • Students can gain knowledge about the physiology of invertebrate and  human organism.
4 Genetics
  • Student can gain knowledge about inheritance of characters and factor responsible for this.
  • To study the basic concepts of genetic principles.
  • To learn the principles of  chromosome, syndromes and gene transformation.
5 Environmental Biology and Evolution
  • To learn about the interaction of biotic and abiotic factors in the environment.
  • To teach the students about how the complex organisms have evolved from simple beings.
6 Biostatistics
  • To understand how mathematics is applied in research.
  • To learn about how the experimental results are drawn from collected data and interpreted.
Cancer Biology
  • To teach the various types of cancers and their causes.
  • To differentiate the malignant and benign tumours and their effects.
7 Ornamental Fish Culture (SBS)
  • To study the economic importance of ornamental fishes.
  • To study the breeding methods.
  • To learn their  market potential.


S.No Course Objectives
1 Molecular Biology
  • To learn the internal structure and functions of cellular molecules such as DNA, RNA and Proteins.
2 Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering
  • To understand how the useful products are produced from bioresources .
  • To study the techniques used in the mass production of medicines, enzymes and hormones.
3 Cell biology
  • To know about the cellular components energy utilization in cells and cell division.
  • Study the structure and functions of cell organelles and its metabolic  functions .
4 Biochemistry
  • The students will get an over all understanding of Biomolecules, their structure and classifications,  vitamins, enzyme kinetics and metabolic reactions in a living system.
  • To learn how the biological informations are documented in Websites.
  • To learn techniques to retrieve DNA/Protein data from web resources.
5 Poultry Science
  • To study various techniques and challenges in poultry science.
  • To study the poultry nutrition and physiology.
  • Students   learn the process in  poultry culture.
  • To understand the poultry health and management.
6 Practical III (Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Immunology, Animal Physiology, Genetics and Biostatistics)
  • To study the  practical techniques in cell division, blood cells, blood groups, lymphoid organs, various physiological activities in animals, various techniques in genetics.
7 Practical IV ( Environmental Biology, Evolution, Biotechnology & Genetic engineering, Biochemistry)
  • To study various techniques in environmental assessment, evolutionary evidences, vectors used in genetic engineering, various biochemical techniques.




S.No Course Objectives
1 Animal Bio diversity-I
  • Students will be able to identify and understand the basics of animal biology with a comparative knowledge on the organization in various animal groups.
2 Animal Bio diversity-II
  • To understand the vertebrate diversity  and their economical value.
  • To learn about the origin and evolution of animals.
  • Students can identify the functional  characters of higher evolutionary group of animals .
3 Cell and Molecular Biology
  • Students can  understand the structure and functions of cell organelles.
  • To understand the  basic structure and functioning of the genetic materials-DNA and RNA
  • To learn about molecular mechanism of DNA replication, repair, transcription and protein synthesis.
4  Invertebrata & Chordata, Cell and Molecular Biology – Practicals
  • Students can learn and training on the technique of mounting and identification of different cells and feathers.
  • Students understand the various types of animal cells and molecular structure with their characteristic features and detailed functions.
5 Entomology.
  • On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to  classify the insects and will be able to identify them.
  • To learn  the Beneficial aspects of Insects and  Hazards of pests and their control measures.
6 Wild life Biology
  • To acquaint and gain knowledge  about wild life data, functional  significance and  protective measures.


S.No Course Objectives
1 Biochemistry
  • The students will get an over all understanding of Biomolecules, their structure and classifications, vitamins, enzyme kinetics and metabolic reactions in a living system.
2 Microbiology  and  Immunology
  • Students will be able to know the history ,development of Microbiology and fundamental knowledge about microbes.
  • Understand and explore the world of microorganisms in different spheres of life.
  • Imparted knowledge about immunity and their significance in human life.
3 Molecular Genetics
  • Students will be able to understand the principles of genetics, inheritance, sex determination, chromosomal anomalies.
  • To study the mechanism  of  heredity at  molecular level.
4 Biochemistry,Microbiology& Immunology and Genetics  – Lab
  • Students to learn the technique about identification of microorganism from biological samples.
  • Students understand the various immune systems of human body.
5 Aquaculture
  • This will provide   knowledge in the fish food, feeding habits, seed production , farm management and method of farming.
  • Will be a platform   for employment opportunities in aquaculture activities.
6 Pollution Ecology
  • Students  will  learn the cause and control mechanism of pollution.
  • To learn the basic knowledge about its deleterious effects and preventive measures.


S.No Course Objectives
1 Animal physiology
  • Students will be able to   understand the structural organization of different systems within body with the functions of different organ systems in animals.
2 Developmental Biology & Evolution
  • Students will be able to  understand the basis of development  learn the stages of organ development.To comprehend the scientific concepts of animal evolution through an understanding of its evidences, its mechanics, process and products.
3 Environmental Biology and Evolution
  • Students will be able to  understand the concepts and components of ecosystems Learn about biodiversity and different indices.
  • To evaluate the  pollution problems in different environment.
  • To create awareness about the  present scenario of the environment.
4 Animal Physiology, Developmental Biology and Environmental Biology – Practicals
  • Observation of physiological activities such as metabolism, enzyme and influence of factors on it.
  • To trace the developmental pattern and changes in  life cycle.
5 .Biotechnology   and genetic engineering
  • To learn the fundamental steps in gene cloning,  manipulation and   know the popular techniques used in biotechnology.
  • To understand the basic concepts in genetic engineering and  DNA technology.
  • To get  knowledge about transgenic  plants ,animals and  genetically engineered microbes.
  • Students will be able to learn  the basic  approaches   in  structure prediction” –concept  and familiarize  in applying bioinformatics tools in  Biomedical research.


S.No Course Objectives
1 Research methodology
  • They  can identify, design and execute research problems on their own  search and collect relevant literature from various sources  prepare research reports and thesis.
  • Gain  theoretical and practical knowledge about biology  research articles .
  • To develop the technical art of writing research report and presentations.
2 Biostatistics   and  Biophysics
  • To study  the  experimental design and data collection techniques.
  • To develop knowledge  in handling  the instruments for biological research and interrupt the data.
  • To acquire knowledge on the  applications of statistics in research